Sunday, March 3, 2013

Starting over...again

So that 12 month sabbatical on blogging happened.  All good intentions and such.  But I'm feeling back to it again.  Need to refresh, refocus and rejoin the search for the life that I'm missing.

First thing I'm going to look at is how to make this more picturey.  Not a clue how to import anything to add ambiance to the posts so I'm going to learn that.   In the past year I've discovered Polyvore and Pinterest.  There's lots of images from there I'd love to share here.  

Just in case you care about my 50 in 50, um.....didn't do so very well.  Probably bit off a tad more than I could chew with that project.  Although, overall, not a complete failure as I did create a list of things I want to be doing on a more regular basis.  I'm just going to rename it.  It's now my "You're not hungry, you're bored.  Do something!" list.  Hopefully that will get me off the couch and out in the big, wide world to learn, create, help and discover.